Cover illustration Maria Pia Mosquera 2020


Sydney Craft Week 2020 had the theme Change Makers and ran from 9 - 18 October 2020.

Sydney Craft Week 2021 will run from 8 - 17 October 2021, with a Call for Entries opening in late May 2021.

Sydney Craft Week is about celebrating creativity and the handmade in all its forms. This festival creates the opportunity for the whole community to engage with craft, experience the benefits of making, and purchase local handmade work.

Be part of Sydney Craft Week, bringing together Sydney’s contemporary craft community in a city-wide festival.

Sydney Craft Week is the only festival in Sydney dedicated to making by hand. Led by the Australian Design Centre (ADC) and supported by an advisory group of craft sector professionals, Sydney Craft Week brings together contemporary crafts organisations and individuals in a celebration of craft across the city as part of a ten-day festival each year in October. The festival fosters community participation and creativity, with the opportunity for the public to meet artists, buy and learn about craft and get involved in making.

Each year, Sydney Craft Week puts out a Call for Entries for galleries, shops, cultural organisations and institutions, and individual makers to host events, ranging from large-scale exhibitions to one-off workshops encompassing the breadth and power of craft. 

The festival takes place over 10 days in October. Sydney Craft Week invites all residents and visitors to experience Sydney’s vibrant craft scene. Most events are free to enter, with ticketed events managed by host organisations and venues.

Support us

Sydney Craft Week is an initiative of Australian Design Centre. ADC is a not for profit organisation showcasing and supporting contemporary craft and design. All donations big and small help us to continue to create opportunities like Sydney Craft Week and help support our exhibitions, events and touring programs.

Please consider a making a donation at 

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Illustration: Maria Pia Mosquera, 2020