Corban and Blair Window Gallery. Image courtesy of Corban and Blair

Change Makers in Lewisham

Using a signature Corban & Blair carbon neutral, black A3 frame or 14x14” Box frame, designers and makers are asked to use this as a starting point to express their feelings and/or role as a Change Maker. These will be displayed in the Corban & Blair Window Gallery in Lewisham. Captions and stories will accompany the 20 chosen works, which will be available for purchase from the artist. The project will include an evening event to celebrate creativity on Thursday 15 October. This supports Corban & Blair’s initiative to support creativity in the local community.

Details: Exhibition: Friday 9 October – Sunday 18 October, window gallery on display 24/7; Craft Up Late: Thursday 15 October, 5 – 8pm

Exhibition, Craft Up Late

Change Makers, Community, Indigenous makers, Jewellery, Sustainable, Free event

Image courtesy of Corban & Blair