Bundanon: Alice Whish and Vicki Mason

Vicki Mason and Alice Whish present new jewellery resulting from a joint artist in residence at Bundanon in 2018. Stanley Street Gallery is excited to be able to show the work to a Sydney audience. Embedded in these new works are ideas that interrogate how plants have the capacity to connect us to country and reveal something of the genius loci or the spirit of that place.

Details: Exhibition: Friday 2 October – Friday 23 October, Thursday – Friday, 11am – 6pm, Saturday 11am – 5pm; Exhibition opening: Thursday 8 October, 6 – 8pm; Craft Up Late: Tuesday 13 October, 5 – 8pm


Exhibition, Craft Up Late

Free event, Jewellery, Metalwork, Sculpture, Sustainable

Images: Alice Whish, Bowerbird Egg Bumbiang Necklace, 2020; Alice Whish, Wiry Panic Necklace, 2018 and Vicki Mason, Flowering grey gum 2018. Photo by Greg Piper or Andrew Barcham