Meredith Woolnough, Harp Coral (Ctenocella pectinata)(detail), 2016. Image courtesy of the artist

Change Makers: Lambency and Craft Up Late: Shining a Light

The New Artisans Gallery exhibition Lambency focuses on the quality, state, or an instance of being lambent – softly bright and radiant. The six change makers featured are marked by lightness and brilliance, especially of expression within their works.

Our Craft Up Late Event is Shining a Light on our teachers and makers and is a taster event of all the classes we hold in the gallery. Each of our teachers will speak briefly about their class and then you will have the opportunity to experience a snippet of each class. Try a range of crafts and be inspired to enrol and learn more.

Craft Up Late Bookings:,  $20

Details: Exhibition: Friday 9 October – Sunday 18 October, Wednesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm; Craft Up Late: Wednesday 14 October, 5 – 8pm

Exhibition, Workshop, Craft Up Late

Change Makers, Glass, Jewellery, Live demonstration

Images: Ceri Muter, Lightbulb Moments, 2020; Meredith Woolnough, Harp Coral (Ctenocella pectinata)(detail), 2016. Images courtesy of the artists