Joanna Fowles, Chroma Codes (1), 2020. Photo by Jonas Allen

Chroma Codes Colour Field Installation

Superlocalstudio is a space that enables the creation of thoughtful practices. Founded by Liane Rossler, it creates a place for sustainable and considered design practice, with an approach that engages art, design, environment and culture.

Chroma Codes fits the studio's current brief of Sweet Nature, which is an ongoing series of works and events. Chroma Codes is an installation of colour collated from waste materials speculating on the resource potential of natural dye from urban foraged waste. Thousands of swatches of colour are coaxed from plant waste, each meticulously hand-painted and dyed to create an immersive colour environment.

The installation forms a record of an alternative natural palette influenced by location, climate, weather and season to form unique colour codes, a distillation of plant material and place. Chroma Codes is the solo show of designer and researcher, Joanna Fowles. Her practice-led research questions the contemporary applications of natural dye.

Details: Saturday 10 October - Sunday 11 October, 10am – 4pm; please book a free appointment time here before attending and wear a face mask


Change Makers, Educational, Sustainable, Textiles, Fibre arts, Free

Images: Joanna Fowles, Chroma Codes, 2020. Photos: Jonas Allen