Gillawarra Arts fashion show.

Connecting Cultures: Storytelling through Indigenous wearable art

Gillawarra Arts and Mami Watta Collections have joined forces to bring you an Indigenous fashion show exhibiting new collections of handmade jewellery that celebrate Indigenous cultures and identities. Followed by a panel discussion, the makers and guest artists will share insights into their journey of healing art forms and discuss the continuing cultural value of adornment.

Exhibition: 9 October 2020 – 18 October 2020, 11am - 5pm.

Event: Online talk and panel discussion, Saturday 17 October, 6pm – 8:30pm, $35, 30% of profits donated to support the cause to stop black deaths in custody, booking link:

Exhibition, Talk, Online/Digital Project

Community, Fashion, Fibre arts, Indigenous makers, Jewellery, Change Makers

Images: Indigenous Australian and Indigenous Latin beading; Gillawarra Arts fashion show. Images courtesy of Gillawarra Arts and Mami Watta Collections