Applique workshop. 2

Creative Embroidery Workshops by Grandpa Cat

Textile artist Amy Jones will be running two creative embroidery workshops at The Happenstore in Annandale. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced who want to experiment with creative stitching.

Mossy Mountain Workshop: create an intricate and unique 3D moss inspired embroidery piece using a variety of textured stitches. We will cover long and short stitch, padded satin stitch, French knots, and turkey work, using a variety of threads and yarn. All materials provided. Tickets $90.

Embellished Appliqué Workshop: perfect for those who want to experiment with a variety of textiles. You will design a unique embroidery piece, using beautiful, vintage kimono silk appliqué, hand stitching and beading. Covers satin stitch, back stitch, long and short stitch, French knots and turkey work. Tickets $150.

All tickets available through The Happenstore.

Details: Embellished Applique Workshop: Sunday 11 October, 10am ­– 3pm; Mossy Mountain Workshop: Thursday 15 October, 5 – 8pm; Craft Up Late: Thursday 15 October, 5 – 8pm

Workshop, Live Demonstration, Craft Up Late

Fibre arts, Live demonstration, Sustainable, Textiles

Images: Mossy Mountain Workshop and Embellished Appliqué Workshop at The Happenstore; Images courtesy of Grandpa Cat