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Discarded Delights, Urban Talismans by The Bench

Unnaturally Natural: Making for Change
A participatory making workshop facilitated by contemporary jewellers Lauren Simeoni and Melinda Young. You are invited to write a message of hope and wrap it into a wearable talisman. Make one to share with your community and another for yourself.
Saturday 10 October, 10am – 2pm, $20

My Kitchen Jewels
From take away to wear away! A sustainable creative workshop with Pennie Jagiello Contemporary Jewellery Objects. Utilising objects that are often used and discarded without consideration, participants will be guided into reworking these materials into new wearable heirlooms.
Sunday 11 October, 10am – 4pm, $300

Left on The Shelf Opening Drinks
An exhibition of enamelled relics by Kirsten Junor.
Saturday 17 October, 2pm – 5pm

Details: Workshops: Saturday 10 October – Sunday 11 October; Exhibition: Saturday 17 October, check website for event times; Craft Up Late: Tuesday 13 October, 5 – 8pm

Exhibition, Talk, Workshop, Open Studio, Craft Up Late

Change Makers, Community, Jewellery, Metalwork, Sustainable

Images: Simeoni Young, Put A Plant On It, 2019; Pennie Jagiello in Made Worn at the Australian Design Centre. Images courtesy of The Bench