A Handmade Life Exhibition, 2019. Photo by Meryl Blundell

A Handmade Life by A Handmade Life Collective

Six Inner West makers exhibit their new work for the annual A Handmade Life Exhibition now in its fourth year, responding to the unique challenges of being a modern-day maker. The work ranges in discipline from jewellery to print making, wall art to wearables.

Details: Exhibition: Thursday 15 October – Sunday 25 October, Thursday to Sunday, 11am – 4pm or by appointment; Craft Up Late: Thursday 15 October, 5 – 8pm


Exhibition, Retail Event, Craft Up Late

Free event, Fibre arts, Jewellery, Printmaking, Shopping/markets, Textiles

Images: A Handmade Life Exhibition, 2019. Photos: Meryl Blundell