Zara Collins, Pared Porcelain Vessels, 2020

Lost in Thought by Zara Collins

Trying to make sense of the extraordinary force of nature, the fragility of existence and a year of unprecedented upheaval internationally, this exhibition is a search for mindfulness in uncertain times.

Zara Collins’ ninth solo exhibition Lost in Thought is focused on the horizon – the apparent line that separates earth from sky, dividing all that is invisible into two categories: what is earthly and what is not. Through paintings and ceramic vessels she creates a place for the eye to rest and the mind to contemplate the moment.

Through a focus on surface texture and sgraffito, Zara uses paint, wax, glaze and terra sigillata to allude to the whim of the weather and the ever-changing vanishing point where water or land seems to end and the sky begins.

Details: Exhibition: Thursday 15 October – Monday 26 October, Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm, Saturday 10am – 5pm; Exhibition opening: Saturday 17 October, 10am – 5pm


Ceramics, Family/child-friendly, Free event, Jewellery, Sustainable

Images: Zara Collins, Wobble Bud Vase (detail), 2020; Zara Collins, Pared Porcelain Vessels, 2020. Images courtesy of the artist