Tara Glastonbury, #scomosprayerflags, 2020


#scomosprayerflags is a response to the bushfires that devastated large parts of Australia at the beginning of 2020. From sheer frustration Tara Glastonbury stitched a protest flag and posted it online. Others asked to join, and soon the flags started arriving, stitching the change they wish to see in the world.

As part of Sydney Craft Week, the flag banner will be hanging in the window at 107 Projects, while Tara will be running an online experience, including a stitch along, on Instagram @scomosprayerflags. There she will be sharing the making of the banner, the power of stitch to inspire change and positive stories of climate action.

Details: Exhibition: Saturday 10 October – Sunday 18 October, Tuesday – Sunday, 11am – 5pm; Craft Up Late: Tuesday 13 October, 5 – 8pm


Exhibition, Workshop, Live Demonstration, Craft Up Late

Change Makers, Community, Free event, Sustainable, Textiles

Images: Tara Glastonbury, #scomosprayerflags, 2020. Images courtesy of the artist