Amy, Rachell and Talia from Groove Therapy with The Social Outfit. Photo by Levon Baird

Upcycled threads: Weaving remnants into wearable art by The Social Outfit

Join us for a series of fashion upcycling and wearable art making workshops.

Make do and Mend with The Social Outfit Production Manager and Dressmaker, Joucelen Gabriel: Learn techniques for patching, mending knits, button hole repair and hems to refresh you most loved garments. Bring up to three items to mend. $45

Earrings with Flair: Pom-Poms and Tassels: Create your own original pair of earrings using scrap yarn, string and fabric. Materials supplied, though you are welcome to bring some of your own scraps to add to the mix. $45

Craft Up Late: Nicole Robins will demonstrate several basketry and weaving skills with our fabric remnants to make woven wearables. Everything provided but bring any cords, threads and ribbons you might like to add to the mix. $45

Details: Make do and Mend Workshop: Saturday 10 October, 10am – 12pm; Earrings with Flair Workshop: Saturday 10 October, 2 – 4pm; Craft Up Late: Thursday 15 October, 5 – 7pm

Workshop, Live Demonstration, Retail Event, Craft Up Late

Fashion, Fibre arts, Jewellery, Shopping/markets, Sustainable, Change Makers

Image: Nicole Robins, Woven Wearables. Image courtesy of the artist; Amy, Rachell and Talia from Groove Therapy with The Social Outfit. Photo: Levon Baird