Young Henrys

Young Henrys and the arts

Young Henrys has been a long-time supporter of the arts, craft and design community, helping bring events alive with their beautifully brewed beers, ciders and, now, gin.

How have you been involved with the arts, craft and design community?

Young Henrys has forged relationships with the arts/design community since our very earliest days. From throwing a few cases of beer in someone's boot to help support a local artist’s first exhibition and hosting exhibitions on our own brewery walls to establishing partnerships with major national galleries, we’re involved at all levels! Day-to-day we’re collaborating with local artists and designers on everything from merch to murals and have invited local galleries and workshops across the country to become a part of our ‘extended family’, providing beer support and shared opportunities to our community. 

What sorts of projects have you collaborated on and how do you bring events to life?

In 2016, Young Henrys were honoured to collaborate with Art Gallery of New South Wales on a brew for their major summer exhibition ‘The Greats’. The brewers had the opportunity to tour the exhibit after hours then set about creating a beer to match a collection of masterpieces spanning four centuries. The finished product was enjoyed throughout the exhibition’s run; a proud moment ‘rubbing shoulders’ with Botticelli, Cézanne , Gauguin and Monet. On a more grassroots level many of our events feature a live art element - less Cézanne, more spraycan.

What is the best thing that you guys get out of collaborating with creative people?

To put it simply - it’s fun. If you only stay within the confines of your industry everything starts to get a bit same-samey. Working with creatives offers the opportunity to borrow a totally new frame of reference. ‘Synergy’ is an awful word overused by ad execs but we’re definitely into the idea of putting our heads together and creating something that’s greater than the sum of its parts. 

How about your gin bar – can you tell us a bit about that?

We regularly work with custom joiner JP Finsbury; they create pop-up bars that are the perfect jigsaw puzzle fit for every event we do. For the opening night of Sydney Craft Week, JP Finsbury will create a bespoke Noble Cut Gin bar. A working example of two brands dedicated to their craft!

Young Henrys is a Sydney Craft Week Event Partner, find out more here.